尊敬的老师、亲爱的同学,大家上午好! 今天我演讲的题目是《培养良好习惯,争做礼貌学生》
礼貌是一种品质,礼貌是一种修养,做文明之人,懂礼貌,明事理,会用礼貌用语,能做文明事。 文明是风,它可以吹起每个人心中幸福的涟漪;礼仪如花,它能将我们的生活装扮得更加绚丽。文明礼貌是最容易做到的事,同时也是生活里最重要的事,它比最高的智慧、比一切的学问都重要。校园是教育人,培养人,塑造人的地方,校园是因我们的礼貌而美丽,校园因我们的礼貌而纯洁。让我们从现在做起,从自己做起,从点点滴滴的小事做起,继续培养良好习惯,争做礼貌学生。祝愿我们的生活处处开满文明之花!
Dear teachers and students:
Good morning! The title of my speech today is: Developing good habits, and Striving to be a polite student.
Polite people show good manners. Everyone should be polite. So what are good manners? When you meet a teacher or a classmate, you say “Hello” or “Good morning” to them with a big smile. When someone gets in trouble, you help them. Never throw rubbish on the ground or make a loud noise in public place. Don’t forget to say “Sorry”, ”Please”, “Never mind” or “Thank you”, “You’re welcome” to the people politely. These are all good manners and they can make a big difference. If you do it well, your parents, teachers and friends will all think you are a polite and clever student. They will love you more.
Good manners are the foundation of our life and study, and will help us grow healthily and happily. To be polite is the easiest but, at the same time, the most important thing to do. Our school will become more harmonious and beautiful because of our good manners and politeness. Let us start from now, starts from ourselves, from little tiny things around us, continue to develop good habits and strive to be polite students. Just do it!
Thank you very much!