早上好!我是来自XX 班的 XXX
让“好习惯伴我行”是学校对我们的要求。因此,当我们迈进校门的那一刻起,我们要说,新的一天我们要从遵守纪律做起。在近段时间里,我们清楚地看到我校大部分同学都能遵守纪律,进入正常的学习状态。有良好的纪律是每个学校,每个人, 每件事获得成功的保障。好的纪律会给我们带来益处,不良的纪律会给我们造成严重的后果及影响。我们只有统一了认识,才能在前进的步伐中步调一致,维护好学校良好的教育教学秩序。
我们先一起来听一个真实的故事:北京有一家外资企业高薪招聘应届大学毕业生,对学历、外语的要求都很高。应聘的大学生过五关斩六将,到了最后一关:总经理面试。一见面,总经理说:“很抱歉,年轻人,我有点急事,要出去10分钟,你们能不能等我?”经理走了,大学生们闲着没事,围着经理的写字台,只见上面文件、信、资料各一叠。他们你看这一叠,我看这一叠,看完了还交换。10分钟后,总经理回来了,他说: “面试已经结束,你们全都没有被录用。很遗憾,本公司从来不录用那些乱翻别人东西的人。”故事听完了,大家想一想,这家公司为什么不录用他们呢?真正优秀的学生是养成了良好习惯的学生,而这几位大学生没有养成尊重他人,未经允许不乱翻他人东西的好习惯。
Dear teachers and students,
Good morning!
My topic today is “Let good habits be with us.”
It is really important to cultivate good habits in our daily life. And it is required by the school too. Therefore, we should obey the school rules when we enter the school gate. It is good to see that the majority of students can obey the rules recently. We can benefit from good habits; bad habits will pull us down. Fellow students, we should have a clear awareness of that.
Let’s share a true story, an overseas-funded enterprise offered a big salary to hire an employee. They also had a high requirement in education background and foreign language skill. Finally, several graduates passed all the tests except the last step, the interview from the general manager. From the moment they met, the general manager said,” I’m sorry, young men, I have something urgent, I need to leave for 10 minutes. Can you wait for me?”
These graduates had nothing to do after the general manager was gone. They saw there were some documents, letters and materials on the general manager’s desk. They began to read these files and exchange their opinions after finishing reading. After 10 minutes, the general manager came back. He said,” The interview is over. None of you passed the interview. I’m sorry. Our company won’t hire an employee who will burrow around other people’s belongings without permission.” Now, the story is over. Let’s think about it. Why didn’t the company hire these graduates? True excellent students should have good habits. These students couldn’t respect others; they even burrowed around other people’s belongings without permission, I think that’s the reason why they lost this opportunity.
Students, if we sow an action, we will harvest a habit. If we sow a habit, we will harvest a character. If we sow a character, we will harvest a destiny. Therefore, we should cultivate good behavior habit and study habit from now on. As a student, we should obey the school rules; listen to the teachers; respect other and so on.
Students, old habits had influence on us; and the habits what we have now will determine what we will be in the future. Fellow students, let’s start from today; let cultivate good habits; let’s obey the rules. Then we can succeed in the future!
Thank you!